
Showing posts from April, 2021

IGCSE Theme 4-Map Skills Geography Past Paper answers

Questions πŸ‘‰  1(a)(i) Railway        (ii) power line       (iii) sports ground       (iv) Vosso   (b) near lake / on lakeside, on river, gentle(r) slope / flat, low(er) ground / valley, road junction / route centre, valley confluence, river confluence, railway junction.   (c) Hill / mountain / high, 654m, steep slopes, convex / gentle(r) upper slopes, deep valley, small valleys, steeper in N/W / gentler in S/E.   (d)(i) Forest       (ii) Cultivation      (iii) private road   (e)(i) 3050m       (ii) along valley side / along side of a slope, gentle gradient / keeps as level as possible / (about) 300m, avoids steep slope (lower in valley), descends to X, hairpins (etc.), goes NW / NNW, through cultivation and forest, past houses and farms, road junction(s) (not X), crosses str...

IGCSE Theme 4-Map Skills Geography Past Paper questions

Answers πŸ‘‰  1. Study the map extract for Voss, Norway. The scale is 1:25 000. (a) Fig. 1 shows some of the features of the main settlement of Voss. Study Fig. 1 and the map extract, and answer the questions below. Using the map extract, identify the following features shown on Fig. 1: (i) feature A; .........................................................................................................................................[1] (ii) feature B; ........................................................................................................................................[1] (iii) feature C; .......................................................................................................................................[1] (iv) the name of the river at D. .............................................................................................................[...