IGCSE Exam-style questions on The Inter-War Years, 1919-1939

1) What was the impact on Germany of the Versailles Treaty and how did Germany react to it?

2) How far Were Wilson's, Lloyd Georg's and Clemenceau's aims in the Paris Peace Conference compatible?

3) The treaties at the end of the First World War were certainly not fair but then there was no possibility that they could have been fair. To what extent do you agree wit this judgment?

4) Describe the military restrictions imposed on Germany by the Treaty of Versailles.

5) Explain why Germans felt humiliated by the Treaty of Versailles.

6) To what extent was the Treaty of Versailles justifiable at the time?

7) The organization and of the League were very significant in causing its eventual failure'. Do you agree?

8) If the LON had been supported by the US and an army, then the League could have been very effective in preventing wars'. How far do you agree?

9) In 1939 the second world war began. Does this mean that the LON failed?

10) "Great powers disagreement caused the failure of the League and nothing else'. To what extent do you agree with this statement?

11) When it started, what did the League hoped to achieve? What were the differing roles of the council and Assembly of the LON?


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