In 1930s Hitler threatened world peace.

In 1930s Hitler threatened world peace.

What happened in Saar in 1935?

          In January 1935, A plebiscite was held. This was in accordance with the terms of Treaty of Versailles. Voters were asked whether wanted the Saar to remain under the League of Nations. The alternatives were to return to Germany or become part of France. The League provided an international force over 3000 troops to maintain the peace. The troops came from Britain, the Netherlands, Italy and Sweden. There were accusations of intimidation on the part of German. Over 90% of people voted to return to Germany. Just under 9% wanted to stay under the League of Nations, less than half of 1% wanted to join France. Germany had regained its first peace of lost territory by legal and powerful means. It was a tremendous propaganda success for Hitler. It gave Hitler confidence to continue with his plans.

Why was the remilitarisation of the Rhineland a risk for Hitler?

          Hitler realised that marching into Rhineland was a huge risk because he lacked military force. He had only two divisions, but the French alone could easily outnumber this force and with better equipment and air support. Hitler admitted that if the French ad marched into the Rhineland 'we would have to withdraw with our tail between our legs'. This would have been humiliating for Hitler. The demilitarisation of Rhineland, was one of the terms of Treaty of Versailles (June 28, 1919), that prevented Germany from invading France. This was agreed by Germany in 1925 by Locarno Treaties. But Hitler refused to abide to avoid humiliation and he was afraid that he would lose his army's support.  He proceeded to move his troops to Rhineland. However, Germany's army was no match for the French army, that had all the necessary equipment and air support.

'Germany was more responsible for war in 1939 than any other country'. How far do you agree with this statement?

          Hitler challenge the Treaty of Versailles (28 June, 1919) by sending troops and remilitarising the Zone of Rhineland (1936). By doing so, he rejected the Locarno Treaties (1925).

          Britain and France did not defend the Treaty of Versailles, and allowed Hitler to have more of his demands. This was a kind of peace offering or a policy of appeasement in the hope that Hitler would not ask for more. He was supported by Neville Chamberlain, the British Prime Minister. The League of Nations failed to stop Hitler as their focus was on Abyssinian crisis.

         The Spanish Civil war that broke out in Spain in 1936 , further exposed Hitler to a combat experience. The Spanish Civil war was an unrest between the supporters and Republican government and right-wing rebels under General Franco. Stalin's  USSR supported Republican government with weapons, aircraft and pilots. Hitler and Mussolini supported General Franco and his right-wing supporters with Mussolini sending his thousands of Italian troops. Germany's Hitler sent aircraft and pilots. Finally, the right-wing won the war and General Franco ruled Spain for 3 years. The Spanish Civil war encouraged Hitler to reverse the Treaty of Versailles.

          Further, in 1936, Germany and Japan signed an Anti-Comintern Pact, to oppose USSR's organisation for spreading communism. Germany Italy and Japan formed the Axis alliance. Hitler wrote Mein Kampf (1924) in which he stated that Australian people were mainly German's and in 1938, he tried to take over Austria by encouraging the Nazi Party to oppose government by causing riots. Hitler told the Australian chancellor Schuschnigg that Anschluss (Political union) is the only solution. Schuschnigg called out for a Plebiscite (referendum) to see the Australian people opinion. In the presence of German troops in Austria (March 1938) and watchful eye of Nazi troops, 99.75% voted for Anschluss. Hitler was supported by Chamberlain and Britain's lord Halifax. The reunion added Australian soldiers, weapons, gold deposits, iron ore to Germany's army and industry.

          The next target of Hitler was Sudetenland, a new state created by the Treaty of Versailles, where most Germans, the former subjects of Austria-Hungary's empire resided. This was a part of Czechoslovakia ruled by Edward Benês. In May 1938, Hitler intended to fight Czechoslovakia, but Benês was prepared. As tensions rose, Chamberlain flew to meet Hitler on 15th September and agreed with parts of Sudetenland. However, Hitler claimed that Germans in Sudetenland was mistreated by Czech government and claimed to rescue the whole of Sudetenland. On 29th September 1938, the leaders of Britain, France, Germany and Italy decided the fate of Czechoslovakia, without consulting the Czechs nor the USSR. This gave Hitler what he wanted "the Sudetenland in 1938". This is the Munich Agreement. The Czechs were betrayed and Bens resigned. And on 15th March 1939, the German troops took over Czechoslovakia.

            Hitler's next move was Poland. But he faced resistance from Britain and France. This resulted in an end of the appeasement. Mean while Stalin of USSR was worried about Hitler and his invasion. Hitler was involved in imprisoning and killing communists in Germany. To avoid further consequences he joined LON in 1934, but later felt the League was powerless. (Mussolini invaded Abyssinia, Mussolini and Italy invaded Spanish) So Stalin signed a treaty with France in 1935, that France would help USSR, if Germany invades Soviet Union, however the invasion of Rhineland near Soviet Union was a concern. Further the Munich agreement in 1938 did not consult Stalin, where Britain and France supported the Hitler's invasion of Eastern Europe and USSR. Britain, France and USSR continued discussion in 1939, this was further aided by frequent meetings between Stalin and the Nazi Foreign Minister, Ribbentrop.

            On 23rd August 1939, Hitler and Stalin signed the Nazi-Soviet Pact, that they will not attack each other and agree to divide Poland between them. Thus on 1st September1939, German army invaded Poland from the West, and this resulted in the declaration of war on 3rd September 1939 on Germany by Britain and France. The above happenings and their consequences are a clear evidence that Germany was more responsible for war in 1939, than any other country.


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