IGCSE History Questions from the Inter-war years, the Cold War and the Gulf (1919-2000)

Answers for the questions below 👉 https://jasminejabasingh.blogspot.com/2021/03/igcse-history-answers-for-inter-war.html

 1.Explain about

  •  The Inter- war Years
  •  Enigma
  •  Lend-Lease
  • “Iron-Curtain”

2. In the USA the idea of League was not at all popular. Why?


3. Briefly explain about “ The aims of the League”.


4. Explain about organization of the League and The League of Nations Commissions.


5. How did the League respond for Manchurian and Abyssinian crisis? Why disarmament fail in the 1930’s?


6. Explain about

  B. The Hoare-Laval Pact                                            B. The Kellogg-Briand Pact 

  C. The Locarno Treaties                                            D. The Saar  Plebiscite


 7. Explain Appeasement :- for and against! Was Appeasement justified?


8. What changed between the Yalta conference and the  Potsdam conference?

    How had the USSR gained control of Eastern Europe by 1948?


9. Who was the most to blame for starting the cold war’ the USA or USSR? 

     9.1. In what ways was the Stalin to blame?

     9.2. How can Stalin’s role in the cold war be defended? 

10. Who was the most to blame for starting the cold war’ the USA or USSR?

    10.1. In what ways was the USA to blame?

    10.2. How can the role of the USA be defended?


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