IGCSE Theme 3-Economic Development Geography Past Paper questions

1 (a) Study Fig. 6 (Insert), which shows information about electricity generation in France.

(i) How much electricity was generated in total in France in 2012?

......................................... TWh [1]

(ii) Using Fig. 6 only, identify:

– a fossil fuel used to generate electricity in France; ..................................

– a renewable form of energy used in France. ................................... [2]

(iii) Using Fig. 6 only, describe three changes in the importance of different methods of generating electricity in France between 1972 and 2012.

1 .......................................................................................................................................

2 .......................................................................................................................................

3 .......................................................................................................................................[3]

(iv) Explain how a country can benefit by generating electricity using renewable forms of energy rather than by using fossil fuels.


...................................................................................................................................... [4]

(b) Study Fig. 7, which shows information about the location of nuclear power stations in France

(i) Use information from Fig. 7 only to describe the distribution of nuclear power stations in France.



...................................................................................................................................... [3]

(ii) Describe the benefits and disadvantages of nuclear power.



...................................................................................................................................... [5]

(c) Explain the location of a factory or industrial zone in a named area you have studied.

Name of area ...........................................





.....................................................................................................................................[7] [Total: 25 marks]

2 (a) Study Fig. 8, which shows information about different types of tourism.

(i) In which employment sector is tourism?

Circle your answer below.

Primary                                 Secondary                                 Tertiary                                 Quaternary [1]

(ii) Identify the type of tourism shown on Fig. 8 which:

– is likely to have the least impact on the natural environment;


– has developed because of the attractions of the built (human) environment.

...................................................... [2]

(iii) Choose one type of tourism shown on Fig. 8 and explain how it might cause problems for local people.

Type of tourism chosen ...................................................


...................................................................................................................................... [3]

(iv) Choose two different types of landscape and explain why they attract tourists.

1 .......................................................................................................................................


2 .......................................................................................................................................

...................................................................................................................................... [4]

(b) Study Photograph D (Insert), which was taken in Mumbai, India (an LEDC).

(i) Using Photograph D, suggest three ways in which tourism can create employment for

people in Mumbai.

1 .......................................................................................................................................

2 .......................................................................................................................................

3 .......................................................................................................................................[3]

(ii) Explain how the tourist industry shown in Photograph D might cause problems for the

local natural environment.



...................................................................................................................................... [5]

(c) For a named area you have studied where tourism is important, explain how it is being

managed in order for it to be sustainable.

Name of area ..........................................






.................................................................................................................................... [7] [Total: 25 marks]

3 (a) Photograph B (Insert) shows an area of commercial farming.

(i) Which one of the following statements describes the farming system shown in the photograph? Tick one box below.

Tick (3)


(ii) Photograph B shows two methods used to prevent soil erosion. Identify each method and explain how it prevents soil erosion.

Method 1



Method 2



(b) Study Fig. 9, which gives information about sugar.

Fig. 9

Suggest the effect on the following people and organisations of removing the limit on the amount of sugar beet produced in Europe.

(i) A sugar beet farmer in Europe.


(ii) A sugar cane farmer in Jamaica, an LEDC.


(iii) A transnational drinks company.

.......................................................................................................................................[1] [Total: 8 marks]

4 (a) Study Fig. 5.1, which shows information about energy supply in New Zealand (an MEDC) in 2014.

                                                                            Fig. 5.1

(i) Complete the bar on Fig. 5.1 to show the following information:

Amount of energy produced from oil = 275 petajoules [1]

(ii) Name two types of renewable energy which could be included in the bar for ‘other renewables’.

1 .........................................................................................................................................

2 .....................................................................................................................................[2]

(iii) Using Fig. 5.1 only, compare the use of renewable and non-renewable energy in New Zealand. Use statistics in your answer.




(iv) Suggest reasons to explain why New Zealand does not use nuclear power.





(b) Study Fig. 5.2, which is a table showing information about Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per person (a measure of wealth) and the use of electricity per person.

                                            Fig. 5.2

(i) Describe the relationship between GDP per person and the use of electricity per person shown by Fig. 5.2. Use statistics in your answer.




(ii) Explain why there is a relationship between GDP per person and the use of electricity per person.





(c) For a named country, describe the methods used to supply water to the population.

Name of country .........................................





...............................................................................................................................................[7] [Total: 25]

5 (a) Study Fig. 6.2 (Insert), which is a photograph of an area where economic activity is taking place.

(i) Suggest why each of the following types of pollution are occurring in the area shown in Fig. 6.2.

air pollution .........................................................................................................................

water pollution ....................................................................................................................

noise pollution ....................................................................................................................[3]

(ii) Explain how pollution may threaten the local natural environment.






(c) Describe the impacts of global warming on the natural environment. You should refer to named areas affected.






...............................................................................................................................................[7] [Total: 25]


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