
IGCSE Paper 1 and 2 questions on Co-ordination and response

1) The diagram represents a simple reflex arc. What is the sequence of nerve cells through which an impulse passes during a reflex action? 2) The diagram shows a neurone. 3) What will be the effect of strenuous exercise on the volume of water lost through the skin and the kidneys? 4) Which labelled part of the eye contains muscle? 5)  6)  7) The diagram shows the skin. Which labelled structure releases sweat? 8) What is a synapse? A a junction between two neurones B a relay neurone C an effector D an electrical signal 9) The diagram shows a simple reflex arc. Which labelled part is the sensory neurone? 10) Some structures in the eye are listed. 1 cornea 2 iris 3 lens 4 retina Which structures contain light receptors? A 1, 2 and 3                          B 2, 3 and 4                          C 2 and 4 only                          D 4 only 11) The components of a reflex arc are shown in the flow diagram. receptor → sensory neurone → synapse → relay neurone → synapse → motor neurone

IGCSE Theme 4-Map Skills Geography Past Paper answers

Questions 👉  1(a)(i) Railway        (ii) power line       (iii) sports ground       (iv) Vosso   (b) near lake / on lakeside, on river, gentle(r) slope / flat, low(er) ground / valley, road junction / route centre, valley confluence, river confluence, railway junction.   (c) Hill / mountain / high, 654m, steep slopes, convex / gentle(r) upper slopes, deep valley, small valleys, steeper in N/W / gentler in S/E.   (d)(i) Forest       (ii) Cultivation      (iii) private road   (e)(i) 3050m       (ii) along valley side / along side of a slope, gentle gradient / keeps as level as possible / (about) 300m, avoids steep slope (lower in valley), descends to X, hairpins (etc.), goes NW / NNW, through cultivation and forest, past houses and farms, road junction(s) (not X), crosses stream(s) / river(s) 2a)(i) railway (any type)      (ii) public road (any type)     (iii) shooting range (any type)     (iv) 14

IGCSE Theme 4-Map Skills Geography Past Paper questions

Answers 👉  1. Study the map extract for Voss, Norway. The scale is 1:25 000. (a) Fig. 1 shows some of the features of the main settlement of Voss. Study Fig. 1 and the map extract, and answer the questions below. Using the map extract, identify the following features shown on Fig. 1: (i) feature A; .........................................................................................................................................[1] (ii) feature B; ........................................................................................................................................[1] (iii) feature C; .......................................................................................................................................[1] (iv) the name of the river at D. .............................................................................................................[1] (b) De

IGCSE History Answers for the Inter-war years, the Cold War and the Gulf (1919-2000)

 Questions for the Inter-war years, the Cold War and the Gulf (1919-2000) 👉 1) The Inter-War years (1919-1936) was the period  between the end of the First World War and the beginning of the Second World War, this period  represented an  era  of significant changes worldwide. Jan-June 1919 The Paris Peace Conference: Allied Leaders met and drew up the Treaty of Versailles and other peace treaties. Jan-20 LON starts work. 1923 Crisis in Germany as France invades the Ruhr and inflation makes money worthless. 1925 The Locarno Treaties: Germany appears to accept the Treaty of Versailles 1926 Germany joined LON 1928 The Kellogg-Briand Pact 1929 The Wall Street Crash 1931-33 The Manchurian Crisis Jan-33

IGCSE History Questions from the Inter-war years, the Cold War and the Gulf (1919-2000)

Answers for the questions below 👉   1.Explain about  The Inter- war Years  Enigma  Lend-Lease “Iron-Curtain” 2. In the USA the idea of League was not at all popular. Why?   3. Briefly explain about “ The aims of the League”.   4. Explain about organization of the League and The League of Nations Commissions.   5. How did the League respond for Manchurian and Abyssinian crisis? Why disarmament fail in the 1930’s?   6. Explain about   B. The Hoare-Laval Pact                                                     B. The Kellogg-Briand Pact    C. The Locarno Treaties                                                    D. The Saar  Plebiscite    7. Explain Appeasement :- for and against!  Was Appeasement justified?   8. What changed between the Yalta conference and the  Potsdam conference?     How had the USSR gained control of Eastern Europe by 1948?   9. Who was the mos

IGCSE History- Appeasement: for and against!

  Appeasement: for and against!   If Britain and France were not prepared to defend the Treaty of Versailles, would they let Hitler have more all his demands ? Yes, and Britain's policy at this time is known as Appeasement. Neville Chamberlain is the man most associated with this policy (see Profile page f although he did it became Prime Minister until 1957. Many other British people probably the majority), including many politicians, were also in favour of this policy however, there were some at the time who were very critical Here are the main arguments for and against Fear of Communism- Hit was not the only concern of Britain and its allies He was not even the man worry They were or concerned about the spread Communism and particularly the dangers to world peace paid by Stalin, the new leader in the USSR Many saw Hitler as the buffer to the threat of something Communism The USA- American support had been Britain's success in the First World War Britain could not be s

IGCSE Past Paper questions on Excretion

1) Where is urea made? A bladder B kidney C liver D urethra 2) Which function does not occur in the kidneys? A breakdown of alcohol B removal of excess salts from the blood C removal of excess water from the blood D removal of urea from the blood 3) What is urea formed from? A amino acids B fatty acids C glucose D glycerol 4) What is the function of the kidney? A making glucose and reabsorbing urea B making urea and removing salts C removing glucose and reabsorbing salts D removing urea and reabsorbing glucose 4) How does the skin react when the body becomes very warm? 5) Fig. 3.1 shows the excretory system in a human male. Fig. 3.1 (a) Table 3.1 shows five functions of parts of the excretory system. Complete the table by: • naming the part that carries out each of the functions • using the letters from Fig. 3.1 to identify the structures named. Table 3.1 [5] (b) Urine contains urea. (i) State where urea is produced in the body. .........................................................